

October: NASA Europa Clipper mission is launching! Dr Joyce Sim will be part of the PROGRESS Pathways panel held at Georgia Tech on 18 Oct!

September: Both Dr Joyce Sim and Dr Mitchell McMillan will be attending and presenting at the Ada Lovelace Workshop on Modelling Mantle and Lithosphere Dynamics in Sete, France!

August: Please welcome Georgia Tech undergraduate Abdulaziz Alajlan and Amita Anand to the group for the Fall semester! Hot off the press! Paper on Volatile and Trace Element Storage in a Crystallizing Martian Magma Ocean is out in JGR-Planets!

July: Have a good summer everyone!

June: Dr Joyce Sim will be giving an invited talk at SZ4D/NSF co-sponsored Workshop Workshop on Mantle Magma Supply and Imaging Magmatic Systems June 2-5, 2024, at Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory!

May: End of Semester at Georgia Tech! Blog post on two-phase flow is out on the EGU Geodynamics blog!

April: Solar Eclipse is occuring! Future Solar Eclipse.

March: Dr Joyce Sim will be presenting at LPSC on Martian magma ocean.

February: Dr Joyce Sim will be giving seminars at Virginia Tech and University of New Mexico!

January: Happy new year! Dr Joyce Sim is co-organizing a Subduction fluids workshop March 1-3 in Montreal. More details here.


December: The group will be at AGU Fall meeting, 2023 in San Francisco! Former member Shradha will be presenting on her summer research on Thursday: DI41B-0016 The Influence of Plate Cooling Models and Convection on Early Earth Mid-Ocean Ridge Depths. Mitchell will be presenting on Thursday as well: T41A-05 Reactive Thermodynamics of Crustal Foundering. Dr Joyce Sim will be presenting on Monday: DI13A-01 Persistent heterogeneities in the oceanic lithosphere due to differential freezing beneath ridges. See you there!

September: Off to the EAS camping trip at Cloudland Canyon state park!

August: We welcome new graduate students Brandon Lopez and Chazerae Pierce-Walker (Ayo) to the team! Hot off the press: Collaboration with Georgia Tech’s ice wizard Alex Robel on Contemporary ice sheet thinning drives subglacial groundwater exfiltration with potential feedbacks on glacier flow! Here is the Georgia Tech news coverage!

June/July: Dr Joyce Sim will be lecturing at Cooperative Institute for Dynamic Earth Research (CIDER)! This year’s topic is Causes and consequences of fluid and magma transport at plate boundaries.

May: UNAVCO RESESS intern Shradha Ravikumar will be joining SIMlab! Mary Jones from Chamblee Middle School interviews Dr Joyce Sim for their Math Magazine! This article in Nature!

April: AGU Bridge time! Goodluck to all applicants!

March: Prospective student visits at EAS! Artist Diya Patel and Lily Chisholm are showcasing their art pieces based on research at Sim Lab at the Atlanta Science Festival!

February: Dr Joyce Sim will be giving an invited seminar at Caltech.

January: Happy new year! Dr Joyce Sim will be giving an invited seminar at Western Washington University.


December: Dr Mitchell McMillan will be presenting at AGU Fall meeting on “Investigating the Roles of Fluids and Bulk Composition in Eclogitization Reactions in Continental Lithosphere”.

November: Dr Joyce Sim will be heading to SZ4D community meeting in Houston!

August/September: Dr Joyce Sim will be giving a keynote at the Ada Lovelace workshop in Heviv, Hungary!

July: Hot off the press! Persistent Magma-Rich Waves Beneath Mid-Ocean Ridges Explain Long Periodicity on Ocean Floor Fabric. Congratulations to Allen Moore and Rosen Yu for receiving the Georgia Tech President’s Undergraduate Research Awards for the Fall semester!

June: Please welcome Vigil Smith to the lab officially! Vigil will be working on understanding how regularization of bulk viscosity affect melt transport beneath mid-ocean ridges. Dr Joyce Sim will be at CIDER2022: Earth’s evolution as an inhabited world in Berkeley for a few weeks through July. Happy Juneteenth everyone!

May: Please welcome newly minted Dr Mitchell McMillan joining us from University of Toronto as a postdoctoral scholar here at SimLab! He will be working on Subduction zone eclogization!

April: Casey Smith will be joining SimLab for the EAS REU Summer research program!

March: Congratulations to Rosen Yu on receiving the ThinkSwiss research scholarship ( for this summer!

February: Welcome Tech Physics major, Allen Moore to SimLab! Allen will be comparing symmetric and asymmetric two-phase flow mid-ocean ridge models!

January: Happy new year! Graduate applications are due! Watch this space: New paper submitted!


December: Kenni, Susan and Dr Joyce Sim will be presenting at #AGU2021!

November: Graduate applications are opened and due January 1st! Learn more!

September: Welcome Rosen Ting-Ying Yu to the Simlab! Rosen will be working on understanding computational efficiencies of the two-phase flow models on PACE! Postdoctoral Research Fellow position in Computational Geodynamics @SimLab, Georgia Institute of Technology: Apply here!

August: AGU abstracts submitted from Keneni Godana, Susan Harrison and Dr Joyce Sim! Stay tune for the cool Summer work from SimLab and stay safe meanwhile!

July: SimLab@Tech is looking for motivated and enthusiastic students/postdocs who are interested in applying fluid dynamics (physics, math and numerical modeling) to geologic problems. Checkout Geophysics@GeorgiaTech! Please feel free to email Dr Joyce Sim to discuss potential future projects.

June: 2021 CIG Summer MOdeling Research Experiences (SMOREs) begins with a great group of mentors and mentees! Dr Joyce Sim gives tutorials on basic python programming and an overview of magmatism as part of the programming that includes excellent overview of CIG Science from other mentors.

May: Welcome EAS REU Summer undergraduate Keneni Godana from University of Illinois, Chicago and Georgia Tech EAS Undergraduate Susan Harrison to the group!

April: Dr Joyce Sim gives an invited talk at EGU general assembly!

February: Dr Joyce Sim gives an invited virtual talk as part of the Stout Lecture series in the Department of Earth and Atmospheric Science at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln!

January: Happy new year and goodbye 2020! Here is to a new decade of Science!


December: Dr Joyce Sim gives invited presentations in (DI007 and DI009) at AGU Virtual Fall Meeting 2020 both on Wednesday 9th December! Join in the discussions!

November: Dr Joyce Sim gives an invited talk at the incredible Earth and Planetary Science department at University of California, Davis!

October: See you at the CIG Community meeting!

September: Dr Joyce Sim gives an invited talk as part of the Guy F. Atkinson Distinguished Lecture Series (Virtual) at University of Utah and met incredible people doing awesome science!

August: Official start at Georgia Institute of Technology! I am looking for motivated and enthusiastic students/postdocs who are interested in applying fluid dynamics (physics, math and numerical modeling) to geologic problems. Checkout Geophysics@GeorgiaTech! Please feel free to email me to chat.

May: Hot off the press! Papers on melt focusing beneath mid-ocean ridges and on bathymetry in the Southeast Indian ridge are both out!