Sim Lab @ Tech

Porosity waves from Sim et al 2020.

Hi, Welcome to the Sim Lab! I am Dr Shi Joyce Sim, an assistant professor at the School of Earth and Atmospheric Science at Georgia Institute of Technology. I am looking for motivated and enthusiastic students/postdocs who are interested in applying fluid dynamics (physics, math and numerical modeling) to geologic problems. Come join us!

Diversity statement

Science flourishes in an open and inclusive culture. At SimLab, we strongly support diversity, equity, and inclusion, with respect to race, ethnicity, nationality, gender, gender identity, disability status, religion, and socioeconomic background. We strive to build a healthy scientific community where scientists of any backgrounds are welcomed and respected. Come learn with us! (Adapted from Hannah Choi’s group)

Land Acknowledgment

We acknowledge the Muscogee Creek and Cherokee people, who have lived on and nurtured the land on which the lab is currently situated. (Adapted from Hannah Choi’s group)